Brought to you by the Department of Erasing History.

        01 month ago

        Thanks! Inter Planetary File System, no less! I do love the cool/very cheezy name :-)

        I actually do know IPFS and how it works, (DHT).

        It was IMO one of the first great tries to make data distributed in a decentralised manner. I stumbled onto it in 2016 IIRC.

        What I think it is lacking is that it’s not possible to change your data without ruining your link/“uri” and that it is based on benevolent links to publish your data. Stepping stones and all that.

        I know they are trying to fix the link problem and for me it seems they traded convenience for centralisation.

        Would love to hang out somewhere chatting about stuff like that.

      01 month ago

      Yes, stuff like IPFS, filecoin, others… my little contribution… The future censorings, what to do about it, …