Very weird that I am so old and have literally never heard this mentioned in a TV show or book or movie or anything.

In four out of five states, if you go to prison, you are literally paying for the time you spend there.

As you can guess, this results in crippling debt as soon as you’re released.

The county gets back a fraction of what they hold over your head the rest of your life until you commit suicide(or die naturally and peacefully with the sword of damocles hanging over your head).

$20-$80 a day according to Rutgers.

Counties apparently sue people and employ wage garnishment to get back the money that majority of people obviously cannot pay back.

  • FlashMobOfOne
    05 months ago

    That’s the beauty of both ruling parties being 100% in support of the prison industrial complex. In fact, our current president even helped usher through the '94 Crime Bill, which keeps prisons nice and full for his golf buddies and institutional donors.

      05 months ago

      Remember, though, that people, opinions, and political landscapes can change. Yes, Biden was pretty shit back in the 90s, but it actually feels a little bit like he’s trying to move back in the other direction. Don’t gotta forget the bad, but also can’t forget the (attempts at) good

        05 months ago

        Right it’s important to remember 94 was literally 30 years ago. Attitudes can change significantly in that time.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        05 months ago

        Remember, though, that people, opinions, and political landscapes can change.

        Yeah, but Biden hasn’t.

        Remember when he mocked ‘Defund the Police’ in his first state of the union address?

        He’s an authoritarian. Always has been, and he’s been a reliable vote in favor of every regressive piece of legislation that’s led the country to this point, where fascism is becoming normalized.

          05 months ago

          Oh, please. If he was an authoritarian, he would behave like Trump or any other authoritarian ruler out there.

          Remember when Trump was president? He would kick reporters out of the white house, or tear gas people in front of the white house for a photo op. He said stuff like “I totally won’t do this,” then the very following day, he would do that. His speech was divisive. Should I go on?

          • FlashMobOfOne
            05 months ago

            Just because Trump was more personally belligerent doesn’t change the fact that Biden is an authoritarian.

              05 months ago

              You just spotted my flawed argument. True. Biden is not authoritarian, though.

              Tell me how is Biden authoritarian, Russian Agent #4557?

                  • FlashMobOfOne
                    05 months ago

                    Right, because you’re insecure about the fact that you can’t rebut my replies.

                    The problem with that is we all have to suffer for the insistence of you and yours to elect these people.

        • Queen HawlSera
          05 months ago

          People change as the issues become more apparent, when Obama was elected he said he “Respected the LGBT Community” but firmly believed “Marriage is between a man and a woman”

          This same president gave us Gay Marriage in all 50 states

          05 months ago

          When in most of our lifetimes has the u.s. presidental election not been ‘the lesser of two evils’?

          • FlashMobOfOne
            05 months ago

            This excuse, to me, seems to emphasize the necessity of a third-party vote even more.

          05 months ago

          He’s had some policies I agree with, that move us towards a less police state level. I admit, I haven’t followed him super closely, he’s less interesting than things have been lately, but at least the federal decriminalization of marijuana and pardons (I know they were effectively useless, didn’t really do anything - we can get into exactly why) show he’s at least trying to do what constituents want, which is a far cry more than a lot of other politicians.

          Can he, should he, do more? Yeah. But credit where it’s due, he seems like he’s trying to steer two giant ships - his own past biases, and the United States political climate. Both of those are slow and hard to do, so anything moving in that direction should be celebrated.

            05 months ago

            Don’t be fooled, Joe doesn’t give a shit about decriminalizing any substance, after all, he wqs the biggest proponent of the RAVE act

              5 months ago

              See, this is EXACTLY my point. We all get obsessed over the things of the past, and while those can help inform us of the present, they’re not actually the present.

              Yes, he was a proponent of the RAVE act. That’s one of those “don’t forget the bads” that I mentioned. We can accept that, and also accept that he seems to have lightened up on that BS in recent times.

              No one’s perfect, everyone changes their minds about things. You did horrible things in your past too, almost certainly. That’s not you, we can accept that, but for politicians it’s this unchanging thing - you supported one thing, you will always continue supporting that thing.

              Let people grow. Let ideas be brought up, and shot down. Let mistakes be in the past, and start focusing on what’s actually happening in the present.

                05 months ago

                It’s not about “being obsessed with the past” it’s about paying attention to history, particularly a certain person’s history. Joe biden had not been even remotely interested in legalization/decriminalization until he started running for office. Joe Biden was already an old man when he pushed for enforcement of the RAVE act along with other drug bills, I can maybe understand his “concrete jungle” statements from the 70’s, but we are literally talking about barely over 20 years ago.

                All I am saying is to be cautious and not too trusting, ESPECIALLY of politicians.

                  5 months ago

                  Right. As I said, you can use the past to color your present, but the thing that matters presently is present actions and, to a lesser extent, words. So, judging him based on his actions during presidency, which should show us either his current beliefs or, at least, his willingness to listen to constituents.

                  During his presidency, he’s been… Well, I won’t say stellar, but his actions have been more in line with someone who actually wants better, rather than someone who wants to cling to old habits. Again, could he do more, yes. But his record -recently- has been, for a politician, pretty good.

                  You bring up the RAVE act. That was 20 years ago. 20 of the most eventful years in at least modern history. Do you think someone is incapable of change for 20 years? I know I’ve changed drastically just in the last 2 or 3 years. I mean, yeah, he’s old, but I’ve seen old people change too. Might not come full revolution, change is slow, but again - any progress is worth acknowledging and celebrating.

                  Is there something he’s done during his presidency that leads you to believe he’s still got those same values from prior? We can talk efficacy of some of his planned solutions, and some of his lack of a spine, but I think overall his actions are consistent with his words, in this regard.

                    05 months ago

                    I agree with you for the most part, but at the end of the day, you have to take someone in power action by action. Everyone who has ever held office has pretty much done at least one or two good things for their community. I’m not saying that I’m totally anti Joe Biden, but I think that he (like all politicians) can be full of shit sometimes. Remember back when he got elected, he proceeded to undo everything trump did about border control and even made that a big part of his campaign? As of late, he has slowly been reimplementing those policies. I think Biden is someone who rides off emotion and public feedback in relation to followers of his party, which can be a good thing but it can also be a bad thing.

        05 months ago

        Yeah, he wants to be known as a good guy. Look at GW Bush. They all want to be known as good guys late in life. Gates, Buffet, et al.

          05 months ago

          criticize him all you want… after he’s elected.

          we all hate the either/or state of american politics, but it’s still the reality. live in reality, ppl.

            05 months ago

            You consent to all these issues with your vote for Dems. I on the other hand will express democracy by voting for a candidate that opposes this: Jill Stein.

              05 months ago

              you mean to tell me you’re going to vote for jill stein in november? what state do you live in? it better not be a battle ground state

                  05 months ago

                  Biden or Trump winning is a major loss.

                  They aren’t equal. They’re both shit, but they aren’t equal. And I don’t know about you, but I’d rather keep my right to vote, which is under threat thanks to the likes of Trump.

                  Instead build a better party instead of complaining.

                  Not seeing anything you’ve built. All I see is you complaining about Biden and Trump.

                  If you want better, we need electoral reform. Our current system is mathematically biased against third parties.

                    05 months ago

                    How do you think you get electoral reform? Because the democrats sure as hell are never gonna give it to you if you keep voting for their garbage bottom of the barrel candidates. American politics really are a shit show, you’re trying to act like you’re the reasonable one but getting so damn belligerent.

                    05 months ago

                    I’d rather keep my right to vote, which is under threat thanks to the likes of Trump.

                    Why didn’t Trump use these magical powers he supposedly has to take away our right to vote?

                    Not seeing anything you’ve built. All I see is you complaining about Biden and Trump.

           Where is yours? What have you done to oppose the rich controlling our government? You consent to it.

                    If you want better, we need electoral reform. Our current system is mathematically biased against third parties.

                    Yes, that’s why I vote for candidates that support ranked choice voting.

                    You vote for candidates that oppose ranked choice voting.

                    See how you have no solutions here?

                    05 months ago

                    Hilarious. Where have liberals been after 2016? 2020? The time is now, and you are trying your best to maintain the control of our government by the rich.

      • FlashMobOfOne
        5 months ago

        I vote third party.

        Choosing between a giant douche and a turd sandwich isn’t very appealing to me.

        Also, people like you pretending you didn’t need the votes of people like me is how we got Trump in the first place.

          05 months ago

          Blah blah blah same propaganda, same lies. Even a fool could say you’re trying to get Trump elected.

          05 months ago

          sure. hold humanity hostage because you can’t get exactly what you want, traitor. i’m not going to kiss your ass to vote for practical results. if you’re too blind to see what you’re doing, you can live with the consequences. i have a feeling you have a lot more time left on this planet than i do, junior.

            05 months ago

            Jesus Christ, you’re calling another person a traitor over… this. XD

            You Americans are like a bad parody. What a terrible farce this is.

              05 months ago

              In a two party system, voting third party will only ever result in your vote being thrown out. It is taking a stand against reality for the sake of your own personal idealism.

              A lot of left-aligned voters learned that lesson the hard way in 2016. If you didn’t learn the lesson, you either weren’t paying attention or your idealism is more important to you than the actual outcome of the vote.

              Doing that willingly, despite (or maybe because) the rest of your side screaming at you not to fuck this up again, is absolutely a level of betrayal.

                05 months ago

                Yea OK, just keep voting for same parties over and over again. Let’s just maintain the shitty status quo where nothing really gets better regardless of who is in office!

                  05 months ago

                  So your solution is to vote in protest for a party you know won’t win.

                  I’m actually curious now, what possible good do you think that’s doing?

                05 months ago

                Yeah, this whole explanation is just you saying “Our country is broken and I don’t want to fix it”.