Makes me feel a bit better about my general political anxiousness.

  • aasatruOP
    07 months ago

    This comment is beautiful. Always vote.

    Less, beautiful, more wordy:

    1. Even if you don’t manage to flip a seat, your neighbours who feel the same hopelessness as you will look at the results at some point. Your vote will make them know they are not alone. It matters.
    2. Any change in the right direction is significant, and worth fighting for - voting for it is a no-brainer. The margins might make the difference between people voting or giving up staying at home at the next election.
    3. They won’t you to believe you shouldn’t even bother. Don’t fall for it.
    4. Georgia flipped the Senate seat in '22, for the first time since the 90s. It’s possible.

    Go vote, folks.