• Decoy321
    22 months ago

    The bigger news to me is that Howard Stern is still alive and on the air.

  • @TheJims@lemmy.world
    22 months ago

    Why would Biden debate him? After all he’s the omnipotent president of the United States of America and therefore unilaterally legally immune to all mortal laws, legislation, litigation and prosecution according to Conservative doctrine.

    • I’d like to see Biden ask him one question. “Mr ex president facing 91 felonies, please elaborate for me, this presidential immunity…In detail…while I clean my gun”

  • @WoahWoah@lemmy.world
    02 months ago

    The amount of work campaigners and media are doing to try to keep these two walking corpses to appear vaguely conscience is a real testament to the effectiveness of the modern campaign apparatus.

  • FuglyDuck
    2 months ago

    It would be an epic shitshow.

    Edit: Biden literally has nothing to gain from it. There is zero chance that as soon as the mics go live it doesn’t turn into a degenerate shitstorm from Trump, and he’s never going to out shout down a dimentia addled 5yo.

    Even if Biden manages some good zingers in there, or some “serious” talking points, the people that need to here them never will.

    • Alto
      02 months ago

      I think there’s a chance that if he’s able to stay energetic enough throughout it, it may stave off the “yeah trump tried a coup but have you considered biden old?” crowd. This election is very likely to come down to some tight numbers in a handful to states, things like that may very well matter.

      It could just as easily absolutely backfire if he has a fuckup though, so it’s risky as hell.

        • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
          02 months ago

          I’ve never cared about Biden’s age. Centrists were ageist as hell during the 2016 primaries, and I don’t go there.

          Biden supports genocide and he should stop. No matter how much it would disappoint centrist Democrats.

          • Alto
            22 months ago

            You’re not going to find many people here that disagree with that. We’re just well aware that as awful as Biden is regarding it, there’s a 0% chance Trump isn’t miles worse. Anyone who doesn’t want to accept that is delusional.

            • @Ensign_Crab@lemmy.world
              2 months ago

              You’re not going to find many people here that disagree with that.

              You’d think so, wouldn’t you.

              You go on to insinuate that I’m a trumper for saying anything that isn’t flat out worship of Biden and his support for genocide.

              • Alto
                12 months ago

                Not sure where I implied that at all. I simply said expecting Trump to be any better on the issue is moronic.

        • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
          12 months ago

          I really don’t understand someone who is so addled/low-info as to honestly come to such a conclusion, but apparently a lot of them exist. So a candidate is old as hell, who GAF? Donnie is nearly as old as him anyway, and it’s not like there won’t be a VP, a cabinet, etc…

          I seriously wonder how long people will cling to that as things like life extension become a reality, I really do…humans can be very, very stupid as a group, even as there is a subset of humans doing absolutely amazing and incredible things to extend our technological reach…I almost wish there was a way nearly all humans could get an IQ upgrade before some of these other breakthroughs, so all the dumbasses don’t hold us back and/or end the whole thing due to their blinkered existence.

  • Rentlar
    02 months ago

    I’d be okay if they do it virtually or behind a screen where the rules are clear and they mute you when it’s not your turn to speak.

    It should be a debate, not a loudness contest.

    • @CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      12 months ago

      The radicalized right wing views very loud Gish Gallops of horse manure to be the very picture of “strong leader”.