House Democrats are poised to be split on a resolution aimed at cracking down on allegations of antisemitism on college campuses.

  • It would require the Department of Education to use the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance's definition of antisemitism in enforcing federal statutes prohibiting discrimination against students.
    The IHRA definition, controversially for many on the left, includes "denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination" and "drawing comparisons of contemporary Israeli policy to that of the Nazis," as examples of antisemitism.

    So, I guess they would need to find a non-Nazi genocidal government to compare the actions of this specific Israeli government to. Suggestions?

              5 months ago

              If the generals most responsible didn’t fight and lose a civil war to the Kemalists that’d be fair. One of the reasons modern Turkey refuses to acknowledge the genocide is that the Kemalists lost power when they instituted democracy and the parties that took over more or less oppose their ideals.

              Kemalism is generally noted for its rejection of Ottoman policy and heritage and the focus on secularism, gender equality, and state support of the sciences. This legacy is basically the only thing keeping Erdogan from declaring himself Caliph.

              This isn’t to imply Kemalism is a blameless ideology, it is ultimately a liberal nationalist movement and they had no problems brutally putting down Kurdish separatists, but Turkey is different from the Ottoman Empire, no matter how much Erdogan wishes it isn’t.

        -75 months ago

        Pretty prophetic that you’d know you’d whine about something someone said in the comment section of a known propagandist’s post.

            5 months ago

            Who’s upset? I think it’s fucking hilarious that you kids have such an anti-Biden/liberal hardon that you lack the ability to even try and hide your obvious bias. Every post- every comment: anti-Biden. No one else, and nothing else.

            Either get better programming, or go find somewhere else to whine about it. You’re fucking up lemmy.

            Blocking you now. You’re fucking useless.

              5 months ago

              You sure seem upset.

              When centrists can’t defend their positions, they become abusive.

              And since support for genocide is indefensible, so they go straight for the abuse as quickly as possible.

                5 months ago

                Look at op’s post history…. Now, I expect to see some excuse in their defense post haste.

                  35 months ago

                  You can expect whatever you want, it doesn’t change the fact that you’re the only one making this about Biden.