• The House passed a more than $60 billion bill that provides more military aid to Ukraine.
  • It’s part of a larger foreign aid package that’s likely to pass the Senate and be signed into law.
  • 112 Republicans voted it against — the most ever, and a majority of the GOP conference.

Saturday’s vote marked the first time the House had approved billions of dollars in Ukraine aid since December 2022, when Democrats still controlled the chamber.

In the two years since Russia’s invasion, opposition to aiding Ukraine has grown from a fringe position to a majority view among House GOP lawmakers. Many argue the money should be spent domestically or that policy changes at the US-Mexico border should take precedence.

Here are the 112 House Republicans who voted against the bill.

    • John Richard
      -26 months ago

      If you care as much about Ukraine as you claim to why don’t you go to the front lines and fight for them… Better yet, why aren’t you advocating the United States to go directly to war with Russia? Wouldn’t it be cheaper to get rid of Putin once and for all and to make Russia pay for the war?

      • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
        06 months ago

        Getting rid of Putin, and for that matter Xi, will likely not do a thing to stop the war on the Russian side, and the clear plans for invasion in the Chinese side.

        Hard evidence that neither country has functioning nukes would, but getting rid of either one just creates a power vaccume that will quickly be filled by someone that is likely to look much like their predecessor.

        • John Richard
          -36 months ago

          So what you’re saying is that there is no winning the war against Russia… Just sending more money to Ukraine indefinitely?

          • @AngryCommieKender@lemmy.world
            06 months ago

            No, I’m saying we have entered a new Cold War against both China and Russia that is likely to last for the next several decades. We can’t win a war. There are no winners in war. All we can do is provide enough resistance now to prevent the cold war we are in from boiling into active shooting in other theaters.

            • John Richard
              -36 months ago

              The reason it hasn’t boiled into active war between countries is because we aren’t sending American troops to Ukraine to fight the war.

      • @mashbooq@lemmy.world
        06 months ago

        Ukraine isn’t asking anyone to go to the front and fight for them. They’re asking for this aid. Anyone who cares about Ukraine as much as they claim will listen to what Ukraine asks for.

        • John Richard
          -36 months ago

          Halp me. They are attacking me send money, not reinforcements.

          Geez, you have to be either blind or dumb to not see what this is. Proxy war is war. This is about money at this point, and what better way to funnel money than through aid packages.

  • @DreamlandLividity@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    The article “forgets” to mention the “foreign aid package” also contains billions to support “totally not a Genocide” commiting regime of Israel.

    I am not sure I would vote for it myself and I definitely support Ukraine.

        • @VirtualOdour@sh.itjust.works
          06 months ago

          Because they get full intelligence briefing on the entire complex situation rather than.just getting indignant on the internet because of some memes and polemic opinion pieces they saw the headlines of

          • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
            6 months ago

            they get full intelligence briefing on the entire complex situation

            The year is 2003 and Nancy Pelosi is whispering to constituents that - yes, all this might look sketchy on its face - but the CIA just gave the intelligence committee a tip about this source named “Curveball” that’s going to prove Saddam has WMDs and justify the whole thing.

      • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
        -16 months ago

        Which, paradoxically, means they’re all going to pass.

        The only piece of legislation the House really had beef with was the Ukraine bill. And they solved that by stapling the TikTok ban to it. Now the Dems in the Senate will greenlight all the money for Israel and Taiwan on reflex and choke down Ukraine as a sensible compromise.

    • @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      Its the same picture. McCarthyism was far more about whipping domestic residents into subservience than opposing some foreign menace. The Republican alignment with Daddy Vlady is now just a litmus test for party line faithfulness. A kind of partisan hazing ritual, where you have to go on cable news and say the thing that will get liberals to boo at you, so you can prove you’re not one of them.

      Then you can start hitting the harder stuff. You get into the QAnon kool-aid that convinces you there’s a vast pedophile conspiracy to enslave white children, and only the most orthodox right-wing evangelicals can protect you from it.

      Modern day Birchers have far more beef with China than Russia anyway. For, uh… reasons.

    • @I_Has_A_Hat@lemmy.world
      6 months ago

      The aid is in the form of outdated, surplus military equipment that was scheduled to be replaced anyways. The alternative is paying a company to dispose of them. So why don’t you want to send this aid to Ukraine where it can be used? The only people that should have any problem with this are those who are busy sucking Putin’s knob.

      • @index@sh.itjust.works
        -16 months ago

        The only people that should have any problem with this are those who are busy sucking Putin’s knob.

        I would like to point out that russia is fine with this war otherwise they wouldn’t have started it. Politicians and government use wars as a tool to get more power and enrich themself which is pretty much what is happening right now too

    • John Richard
      -26 months ago

      So you’re fighting on the front lines in Ukraine? Why not advocate that the US go to war with Russia directly? You just want to prolong things out for a few months, and then a few more months… Aid package after aid package tied to Israel genocide and all kinds of concessions for Republicans, while pretending that it was always about trying to “help” Ukraine

  • @computerscientistI@lemm.ee
    06 months ago

    Is this supposed to be some kind of public shaming? It’s not as if there weren’t any reasons not to issue a blank check to Ukraine.

    A comprehensible way to view this war is: One corrupt shit-hole country, formerly part of the Soviet Unions has attacked another corrupt shit-hole country, formerly part of the Soviet Union.

    I am German and I am happy with giving the Ukraine plenty of funds and other means in order for enabling them to stop Russia expending in my general direction. I don’t really see that much benefit for the US so. But thanks, every US dollar spent is about 1€ less we have to spend. Go for it.

  • @Oderus@lemmy.world
    06 months ago

    This thread is great because pro-Russian morons are exposing themselves so it makes it real easy to block them.

  • @avater@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    well you got the names, now how about doing a little background check if there is some russki money lying somewhere in those traitors bank accounts…

    • @index@sh.itjust.works
      -16 months ago

      I’m doing background research and found a picture of biden laughing with medvedev and berlusconi. I guess it’s not just these 112 idiots who have ties with the mafia and russia but all of them are corrupted pigs in for the money and wealth

      • @Burn_The_Right@lemmy.world
        06 months ago

        If Biden is also taking bribe money from Russia, as you suggest, then we should expect him to veto this bill, right?

        Neoliberals are conservatives, but they usually are not outright traitors the way Republican conservatives are.

        • @index@sh.itjust.works
          -16 months ago

          If Biden is also taking bribe money from Russia, as you suggest, then we should expect him to veto this bill, right?

          No? While peasants get send to the front to die politicians are collecting wealth and power thanks to this war.

          You should expect politicians to do what’s in their personal greedy interest, being taking money from someone or stabbing them in the back.

  • Amoxtli
    6 months ago

    The money isn’t going to turn the tide against Russia. Ukraine has no chance of winning. It is just math. Joe Biden has no interest for the well-being of Ukraine. US prefers that Ukraine bleed Russia. This means every last Ukrainian. Biden regime knows Ukraine can’t win, but that won’t stop him from lying about victory, and inflating the threat from Russia. Ukraine conflict is directly a product of US foreign policy and that alone. Even European states other than the UK don’t really support the war. At least, secretly. Publically, they have to.

    • themeatbridge
      06 months ago

      Honestly, what the fuck even is this bullshit?

      Ukraine is fighting an invading force that is kidnapping children and targeting infrastructure. They have no choice but to keep fighting. Without financial and military support, Ukraine will cease to be.

      You’re not wrong that America benefits from the proxy war that has weakened Putin militarily and politically. Putin, like Trump, is a punkass bitch who is willing to kill to keep projecting power.

      If America stops supporting Ukraine, that’s not in anyone’s best interest except Putin.

      • Amoxtli
        -96 months ago

        With or without financial aid, Ukraine will lose. It is math. Russians invaded Ukraine because the US was trying to isolate Russia from Ukraine. This means no tolerance for pro-Russian Ukrainian presidents; the coup of 2014 that overturned the democratic vote, and the subsequent declarations of independent republics in the Donbas because of the color revolution that undermined democracy. NATO afterward starting arming and training Ukrainians will promote NATO and EU membership. NATO is a US organization, and NATO foreign policy is US foreign policy. Europeans are subservient to the US for security. Most European states don’t support the war in Ukraine privately, but for the sake of NATO unity, they publically support it, because the US pays for NATO defense.

          • Amoxtli
            -96 months ago

            The money only accelerates their demise. It is not helpful for Ukraine. It is the opposite. If Biden really cared about the Ukrainian people, he would call up a cease fire. He wants no peace deal. He wants only war. NATO is counting on the Ukrainian nationalist to send every man to their death.

            • ormr
              06 months ago

              Gtfo russian troll. Yeah, I look at the last three years and think: Biden… He only wants war!! Lmao

              • Amoxtli
                -95 months ago

                Joe Biden signed a bill that funds the military or supports the military of Taiwan, Israel, and Ukraine. Yes, he loves war. Just because he uses others as pawns doesn’t make him eligible for Nobel Peace Prize. Joe Biden is a foreign asset, a war criminal, he is compromised and intimidated. He is subordinate to US agencies and foreign lobbies. It can be argued that Joe Biden is a traitor. Biden’s voting record speaks for itself.

        • ormr
          06 months ago

          Wrong. EU countries have given over 50 billion $ support so far. Germany alone has given roughly 28 billion. There’s only a handful states that are in opposition against it, including lighthouses of democracy like Hungary…

        • themeatbridge
          6 months ago

          I mean, maybe you’re right about it being impossible for Ukrain to win. Putin is committed to hiding his fear with violence.

          The “coup” in 2014 was made much easier when Yanukovych murdered a bunch of unarmed protestors and then fled the country to hide under Putin’s skirt.

          NATO is a coalition of countries, which includes the USA. You’re kidding yourself if you think the EU doesn’t support Ukraine. Every EU country wants Ukrainian exports, and all of them are concerned with Russian aggression against foreign sovereign powers. The only EU country that doesn’t support defending Ukraine against invasion is Hungary, but we all know that the whiny shitbag Orban has been licking Putin’s balls in exchange for power.

          • Amoxtli
            -85 months ago

            Not all countries in the EU support Ukraine. It is not in their interest to support the conflict in Ukraine. If Russia was such a looming threat, they would have paid their fair share in NATO military funding. Barack Obama pointed this out, not just Trump. Obviously, they preferred to get rich, instead of spend money on the military. Viktor Orbán is the sanest leader in the EU because he tells it like it is. A Russian threat is greatly inflated with myths of a new USSR. Russians are not ideologically communist, and they have no interest in controlling other European people. They have been there and done that. The Soviets had to deal with uprising and insubordinate leaders when they controlled Eastern Europe. Uprisings in Romania and Hungary. Ukraine is a security matter for Russia. There is no imperial motivation for it. It was well established long before this conflict that NATO expansion into Ukraine would be a disaster. Angela Merkel and Sarkozy said this much including Bill Burns as Secretary of State, and ambassador. Bill Burns still works in the US government.

            • themeatbridge
              15 months ago

              Viktor Orbán is the sanest leader in the EU because he tells it like it is.

              Quoted without comment.